What is “Tai Chi Chuan”
How will it Benefit Me?
Tai Chi is famous for it's slow beautiful, gentle flowing motion, almost like the waves in the ocean breaking onto shore, and then receding back to it's source.
Tai Chi movement is based on the yin and the yang, the continuous shifting of weight from one side of the body to the other to create the beautiful postures of the form.
This movement when coordinated with the breath can help Connect the Mind and the Body.
Did you know the breath is a well known bridge between the two?
Although Tai Chi was originally a Martial Art it is mainly practiced today as an excellent form of exercise with many health benefits.
Discover How These
Ancient Holistic Arts Can
Enhance Your Life!
Call Bruce For More Information 561-429-2135 / Email: bruce@trutaichi.com

Tai Chi Chuan
Although Tai Chi was originally a Martial Art it is mainly practiced today as an excellent form of exercise with many health benefits.
The words Tai Chi Chuan mean Supreme Ultimate Boxing, used as an exercise for health it would loosely translate as Supreme Ultimate Exercise or Skill.
Most have seen it's flowing and mesmerizing movements...
Would you like to learn a exercise system, that's also a gentle martial art? Can you imagine improving in a skill, with all of these health benefits for the rest of your life?

The Chi Gung (qigong) systems that we teach will heal, renew, and grow the intrinsic energy contained within us. It's the "stuff" that the universe is comprised of.
We learn to cleanse the body, and " Build the Chi" This may be why many people, including myself, have had miraculous recoveries. I owe my life to these practices.
we love the internal arts!

Hi my name is Bruce Marcus, and I'd like to share some of the knowledge I've gained studying the martial arts for the last 45 years.
Always drawn to the beautiful postures, and the flowing routines in Tai Chi, I started to the appreciate the genius and intricacy hidden within them. Constantly looking for the real usage of what I was seeing, the mystery started to reveal itself in many "eye opening" ways.
Call Bruce For More Information 561-429-2135 / Email: bruce@trutaichi.com
What Our Students Say About Us
"I was frustrated with my lack of progress in my Tai Chi and Qigong practice. It seemed like no matter what I did I wasn't advancing in my skills. I thought I had hit the ceiling of my Tai Chi abilities. After taking Bruce's Class the quality and true understanding of this art that I hold so dear was completely transformed! My approach to studying at home was taken to a new height.... But not just that, my performance was significantly improved."
Jackie Lawrence
former Student
I had pain shooting down my arms and legs...I didn't know what to do. I was desperate, and ready to try anything.
Bruce taught me one of his "standing sets" to help me release the tension in my neck, and back.
Over time gravity helped to separate the space between the discs in my spine. This helped the impingement of the nerves that was causing me so much pain.
Stephanie Greenberg
former student
I had been away from practice for a few years and was starting to feel stiff, and out of sorts for awhile. I took a chance and started working out at Bruce's School. My Tai Chi Form is taking on so many new dimensions, and layers of understanding. You see what's great is that Bruce just doesn't teach sequences of moves, he teaches principles that you can immediately apply to your art.
I now have more flexibility than I've ever had in my life, and I just feel stronger, more centered, and in control.
Joe Cunningham
Call Bruce For More Information 561-429-2135 / Email: bruce@trutaichi.com