What is Tai Chi Chuan?
How will it Benefit Me?

Tai Chi is famous for it's slow beautiful, gentle flowing motion, almost like the waves in the ocean breaking onto the shore, and then receding back to the source.
Tai Chi movement is based on the yin and the yang, the continuous shifting of weight from one side of the body to the other to create the beautiful postures of the form.
This movement when coordinated with the breath creates a union of mind and body.
Did you know the breath is a well-known bridge between the two?
Although Tai Chi Chuan (Supreme Ultimate Fist) was originally a Martial Art it is mainly practiced today as an excellent form of exercise with many health benefits.
Most have seen it's flowing and mesmerizing movements...
Would you like to
learn a exercise system,
that's also a gentle martial art?
Can you imagine improving in a skill, with all of these health benefits for the rest of your life?

Have you ever considered studying Tai Chi?
Now is the perfect time
for you to begin.
Why not give Tai Chi a try?
For our schedule and pricing >>select here<<
Call Bruce with any questions or for more info at:
561-429-2135 or email me at:
Do you ever find yourself thinking about how to...
Increase your balance and feel more stable?
Even out your emotions?
Strengthen your immune system?
Exercise every part of your body in a natural gentle way?
Get more focus and increase your concentration?
Improve your memory?
Increase your flexibility and range of motion?
Find the perfect low-impact exercise to strengthen the skeletal system?
Then Why Not Give Tai Chi a Try?
Call Bruce for more info at 561-429-2135 or email me at bruce@trutaichi.com
Tai Chi is ideal for reducing stress, alleviating chronic pain, and improving overall aging issues. It is also great for maintaining calmness, staying centered, becoming grounded, and experiencing relaxation anywhere, including the workplace and at home.

Come On Down!
Tru Tai Chi
3965 S Jog Rd.
Greenacres, FL, 33467
Get Directions
Tai Chi Chuan
New Schedule
All classes are for beginners unless marked otherwise.
Tuesday - 1:00 - 2:00
Tuesday - 2:30 - 3:30 pm - Advanced Beginners
Wednesday - 6:00 - 7:00 pm
Thursday - 1:00 - 2:00
Thursday - 2:30 - 3:30
Saturday - 1:30 - 2:30 - Intermediate
Saturday - 2:30 - 3:30
Tai Chi is suitable for people of all ages and
fitness levels.
To Get Started, Drop-In On Any Scheduled Beginners' Class!
Hope To See You Soon, Bruce
What they say about us
I had pain shooting down my arms and legs...I didn't know what to do. I was desperate, and ready to try anything.
Bruce taught me one of his "standing sets" to help me release the tension in my neck, and back.
Over time gravity helped to separate the space between the discs in my spine. This helped the impingement of the nerves that was causing me so much pain.
Stephanie Greenberg
former Student
Shortly after starting the beginner's class I noticed my posture and walking improved dramatically. I now walk easier, faster and with a noticeable increase in stamina. Bruce, our instructor is totally dedicated to his art. He is an exceptional teacher and he is always aware of the needs of his students.
I began studying Tai Chi here about 6 months ago. I have to say that Bruce is a wonderful teacher with knowledge that comes from long study and mastering both hard and soft styles. This was not my first time taking Tai Chi classes, but has been the most rewarding. Bruce teaches the Tai Chi form and also the very subtle body mechanics that take the movements to a whole different level. Class is relaxed, but very informative each time. There is also exposure to Chi Kung, and sometimes the other "sister" internal arts all of which fit together nicely!
Richard Ribeiro